20 jul 2009 monday hang out after school
20 jul 2009 monday hang out after school
after school i go clarke quay for lunce then go meet johnanna Yow and my sis but my sis cannot make it so i just meet johanna Yow at Bishan int then just slack around dunno wad to do also go buy BB. Tea sit a at the B.Ball Court Waiting for jospeh and john called them.
good thing never run out of topic to talk haha^^ if not will just be quiet without talking. later on joseph and john brought their ball so can go CC play aredy but Johanna say she today not playing she on school uniform but in the end still play i feel so bad haiya hope she wont blame me or anything.
later on the sky turn dark johanna got to go so bring her go shop and save to buy her drink becoz i the 1 who call her out so have to responsible for her thirstiness later on send her to MRT station then good bye aredy.
later on go back play b-ball in a match i torn my pants ambarresing sia later on joseph bro come over to drive me back home thank god im kind of safe haha^^.
nothing to do no game to play just do some drawing on sketch up
at home i do a sketch on my own imagination underwater Appartment some picx:

this it's just a sketch not full detail the under water link all the way to the top go down by lift or stair
the detail of the spiral stair and Life not completed lazy finish it:

this are some detail
after school i go clarke quay for lunce then go meet johnanna Yow and my sis but my sis cannot make it so i just meet johanna Yow at Bishan int then just slack around dunno wad to do also go buy BB. Tea sit a at the B.Ball Court Waiting for jospeh and john called them.
good thing never run out of topic to talk haha^^ if not will just be quiet without talking. later on joseph and john brought their ball so can go CC play aredy but Johanna say she today not playing she on school uniform but in the end still play i feel so bad haiya hope she wont blame me or anything.
later on the sky turn dark johanna got to go so bring her go shop and save to buy her drink becoz i the 1 who call her out so have to responsible for her thirstiness later on send her to MRT station then good bye aredy.
later on go back play b-ball in a match i torn my pants ambarresing sia later on joseph bro come over to drive me back home thank god im kind of safe haha^^.
nothing to do no game to play just do some drawing on sketch up
at home i do a sketch on my own imagination underwater Appartment some picx:

this it's just a sketch not full detail the under water link all the way to the top go down by lift or stair
the detail of the spiral stair and Life not completed lazy finish it:

this are some detail