Tuesday, May 21, 2013 catch up post.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
i got only few minute to post, now its 7;45pm gonna book in in few minute time haiz. a suck kind of life goes on.
within this 1 year of soldier lots of things can happen, i lost a nail of my right middle finger on this year Jan.
and i went through Rotation 1 and Rotation 2.
im suppose to update more on India but time doesn't allow me to.
check this out i merge all the image i wanna post into 1, save time. thats my 42 INCH LG SMART TV. keep me company through my Book out time. watch alot of movie and those brothers at the bottom right corner, who i spend my time with when ever i book out after church and in church.
i went to Taj the Mahal. thats the only thing i can talk about it for now. time dont allow me.
3 weeks + of life in India i definitely need alot of time to type about it. its a good place and environment with lots of animal around. missed the Ice cheap ice cream there, i remember eating 3 to 4 cone of ice cream everyday.
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check this out what i make using Adobe Photoshop cs 6, Corporal Major.
Singapore Rank system a little too cheap. to be a sergeant just go through the 6 month Specialist Cadet School(Sergeant school).
from Sergeant won't be able to climb their way up to be officer like lieutenant and from Private won't be able to be Sergeant. once a corporal forever a corporal, once a Sergeant forever a sergeant.
Example of a 3rd sergeant got a really long bridge to climb to be a Chief Warrant.
3rd sergant > 2nd Sergeant > 1st Sergeant > Staff Sergeant > Master Sergeant > 3rd Warrant > 2nd Warrant > 1st Warrant > Master Warrant > Senior Warrant > Chief Warrant.
last time the rank system not like that, now got alot of roof keep going up. next time i think got Chief Warrant Mentor.
so how about Corporal Major?