Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
fighting toward my dream, i wanna see the end result of my dream and goal in life before i head down to my grave.
today is my 2nd prac 5 day, failed and stuck again, it's really pissed me off i book again for this coming 27/9/2010 monday 8:10PM slot haiz..! do i look like i given up?, the best way to make me consider giving up is just kill me.
by the way im still alive sing a song to treasure every moment when ever im still alive.
went back home after my prac with no achivement, but just carrying on with my life by living on to see the next step of getting things i wanna get.
whenever it feels hopeless, best way to calmn is just by looking down to our hand and remind ourselve that we are still alive, with those life we got we can still make something out of it. there's always a hope right ahead.

walking home feeling the disapointment and felt discouraged, no matter how hurt it feels, i have to carry on with life no matter what.

i looked up the sky asked the god of JACOB and ABRAHAM, what's the reason for me to not beable to make it? i m just feeling real sad and burdern by those experiences, please let me know what is the purpose for me?; to confirt me.
there's no replied from anyone, carry on i make my journey back.

still i have to carry on walking; to find out everything by myselve, i cant just waste my time and life by waitting for the reply or depending on those reply.

make my way back home sad down on the floor to keep myselve still and just rest my mind to forget those disapointment. i composed a song followed after the bible, realized that i can make alot of song out of it. realized i wouldn't had spend those time composing songs if i could have passed my prac 5.
look into my recpit which book again:

you know what does this mean? actually i paid the SSDC instructor well inorder to surport their family well, the more prac i book the more they can pay those worker there.
so they should be gradeful to have a cyclist like me in the list.
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fighting toward my dream, i wanna see the end result of my dream and goal in life before i head down to my grave.

by the way im still alive sing a song to treasure every moment when ever im still alive.
went back home after my prac with no achivement, but just carrying on with my life by living on to see the next step of getting things i wanna get.
whenever it feels hopeless, best way to calmn is just by looking down to our hand and remind ourselve that we are still alive, with those life we got we can still make something out of it. there's always a hope right ahead.

walking home feeling the disapointment and felt discouraged, no matter how hurt it feels, i have to carry on with life no matter what.

i looked up the sky asked the god of JACOB and ABRAHAM, what's the reason for me to not beable to make it? i m just feeling real sad and burdern by those experiences, please let me know what is the purpose for me?; to confirt me.
there's no replied from anyone, carry on i make my journey back.

still i have to carry on walking; to find out everything by myselve, i cant just waste my time and life by waitting for the reply or depending on those reply.

make my way back home sad down on the floor to keep myselve still and just rest my mind to forget those disapointment. i composed a song followed after the bible, realized that i can make alot of song out of it. realized i wouldn't had spend those time composing songs if i could have passed my prac 5.
look into my recpit which book again:

you know what does this mean? actually i paid the SSDC instructor well inorder to surport their family well, the more prac i book the more they can pay those worker there.
so they should be gradeful to have a cyclist like me in the list.
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