boring day, game save my life.
Monday, August 22, 2011
i overslept, actually can still make it to school but i decided not to; due to not done with my lap top software.
actually done with everything im quite free:
i played a old game called: JEDI KNIGHT ACADEMY; which i happen to be addicted to.
i keep me entertain all the time, the monster which i draw is: MUTANT_RANCOR.
you can press:"~" + "SHIFT", to bring the dialog down to type: "npc spawn mutant_rancor" ; it will spawn a giant monster. cool shit! yeah!
before typing down any code you should type:"helpusobi 1" activate code.
this game fun, i ever complete the game once; it was years back. cool story line, i complete JEDI KNIGHT OUT CAST: the previous version of the game. but the JKA still better.
should catch up with this game; it got very good story line; how luke sky walker pass on generation of the jedi: KYLE KATARN to JADEN KORE.
i remember last time i like 1 of the charactor; which is a very low profile charactor. if you play this game you will know JEDI TRAINER; the guy who weild double purple saber.
the previous game JEDI KNIGHT OUT CAST; he only hold single saber. he look really cool.
TAVION is always look hot in the game; escpecially she with the scepter.
yeah snab shot all my favourite charactor:

it's like a family photo include of: jedi, jedi master, luke skywalker, kyle katarn, lando, rebel, jedi trainer and me(jaden KORE).
i update my maple story in my portable hard disc, but 1 sad case my account couldn't be verified due to my fucking hotmai address got blocked. im really pissed off by MSN: they seriously suck; couldn't be contacted and never give any info of how to solve those problem.
im so dissapointed in their service.
patch of maple story.
maple story, also another game which disappoint me, never state their contact number how to claim the account back. my account is under my IC yet i got no ideal how to claim my fuicking account back.
thanks to my blocked hotmail account and can't they give any soultion of how to help people who got their email account blocked. i wonder where their location, their detail is not good enough. wasn't clear to take notice.
nexon right, just 1 damn asia soft account cannot verify; it affect my MAPLE account, audition account, cabal account and want to create SUDDEN ATTACK account; also will be another problem.
i damn disappointed.
another game to intro: TEAM FORTRESS 2.

this game is now free, you can download STEAM software from google search. get the software and it will link you to the team fortress 2 download; it stated very clearly how to get.
it's a cool online game, destructive and require team work. but the stupid thing is the sniper sucks. compared to black shot; the sniper can;t i hit kill.
overall team fortress 2 is more happening then blackshot. because of the art and the noise they made.
< >
by the way i saw her in MSN; but i dare not talk to her, it's really awkward. i really feel like talking to her but; not dare.
i see her name appear in msn my heart is bitting real fast. how? not use to this.
i should give a try for the next round, i must talk to my beloved real soon. things always come into my mind. what if something negative gonna happen, no!!!!!
i must pick up muay thai courses as soon as possible; incase anyone 1 try to steal her away from me, atleast i can teach them a lesson. haha^^
i overslept, actually can still make it to school but i decided not to; due to not done with my lap top software.
actually done with everything im quite free:

i keep me entertain all the time, the monster which i draw is: MUTANT_RANCOR.
you can press:"~" + "SHIFT", to bring the dialog down to type: "npc spawn mutant_rancor" ; it will spawn a giant monster. cool shit! yeah!
before typing down any code you should type:"helpusobi 1" activate code.
this game fun, i ever complete the game once; it was years back. cool story line, i complete JEDI KNIGHT OUT CAST: the previous version of the game. but the JKA still better.
should catch up with this game; it got very good story line; how luke sky walker pass on generation of the jedi: KYLE KATARN to JADEN KORE.
i remember last time i like 1 of the charactor; which is a very low profile charactor. if you play this game you will know JEDI TRAINER; the guy who weild double purple saber.
the previous game JEDI KNIGHT OUT CAST; he only hold single saber. he look really cool.
TAVION is always look hot in the game; escpecially she with the scepter.
yeah snab shot all my favourite charactor:

it's like a family photo include of: jedi, jedi master, luke skywalker, kyle katarn, lando, rebel, jedi trainer and me(jaden KORE).
i update my maple story in my portable hard disc, but 1 sad case my account couldn't be verified due to my fucking hotmai address got blocked. im really pissed off by MSN: they seriously suck; couldn't be contacted and never give any info of how to solve those problem.
im so dissapointed in their service.
patch of maple story.

thanks to my blocked hotmail account and can't they give any soultion of how to help people who got their email account blocked. i wonder where their location, their detail is not good enough. wasn't clear to take notice.
nexon right, just 1 damn asia soft account cannot verify; it affect my MAPLE account, audition account, cabal account and want to create SUDDEN ATTACK account; also will be another problem.
i damn disappointed.
another game to intro: TEAM FORTRESS 2.

this game is now free, you can download STEAM software from google search. get the software and it will link you to the team fortress 2 download; it stated very clearly how to get.
it's a cool online game, destructive and require team work. but the stupid thing is the sniper sucks. compared to black shot; the sniper can;t i hit kill.
overall team fortress 2 is more happening then blackshot. because of the art and the noise they made.
< >
by the way i saw her in MSN; but i dare not talk to her, it's really awkward. i really feel like talking to her but; not dare.
i see her name appear in msn my heart is bitting real fast. how? not use to this.
i should give a try for the next round, i must talk to my beloved real soon. things always come into my mind. what if something negative gonna happen, no!!!!!
i must pick up muay thai courses as soon as possible; incase anyone 1 try to steal her away from me, atleast i can teach them a lesson. haha^^