catch up post on SHINEE 1ST CONCERT 2011 SINGAPORE.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
just woke up haiz...! yesterday do OT; just to help out with tear down of the place. on the 9 of SEPTEMBER: i head down to SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM with; HUI YANG, HAIZ and HELFIE for the SHINEE 1ST CONCERT SINGAPORE. REHERSAL! im followspot light number 1; know it after through the briefing with the koreans meeter. show u some picture taken on the SEPTEMBER 9:

the rest of the photo in FACEBOOK; lazy upload ever photo, very troublesome. the next day SEPT 10 photo taken: 

you saw the BB TEA cup?; that's the SHARE TEA BBT. it taste like milk tea; very nice i find it taste better then KOI or even GONG CHA. the BBT outlet wonder can it be found at any where in singapore. i gonna go check it out in the internet. i taken some video randomly:
i hardly video or take photo of the artist; because im busy reherse and flow the followspot on the ARTIST. theres definitely alot more people take photo of the artis closeup; those fan club who flood up the chamber. when the SHINEE fly up with the string; the fan was screaming real mad. i thinking wah!! fishing sia SHINEE is the fishing baid; the fan is the fish. show u how the stage look like for the shinee concert:
it's like a letter Y shape. look abit like the SUPER JUNIOR stage; but super junior stage is like a cross save in the square. their trademark is actually putting the lift on the stage and hang the artis up the air. haha^^ for SHINEE is everyone hanging in the air instead of just 1 member. funny this time round the LUCIFER is different from the MV; in the CONCERT shinee was flying with a both handed wolvering craw that shine out green laser pointet light. during the actual concert time; one of the member KEY shine the laser any how it hitted my eye. sabo me can't see properly. the spot light that i shine on him can't beat the laser pointer.
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by the way today date is the memorable day of the world trade center:911 incident.
the 1 who clash the world trade center religion is not islam or even muslim; their religion is terrorist. they offer their life to OSAMA; they pray by sucking OSAMA cock.
islam is islam, terrorist is terrorist; their totally different category. islam pray to ahlah, terrorist pray to osama cock. totally different things.
the fact about terrorist is they fight for the pride of SUCKING OSAMA COCK.
just woke up haiz...! yesterday do OT; just to help out with tear down of the place. on the 9 of SEPTEMBER: i head down to SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM with; HUI YANG, HAIZ and HELFIE for the SHINEE 1ST CONCERT SINGAPORE. REHERSAL! im followspot light number 1; know it after through the briefing with the koreans meeter. show u some picture taken on the SEPTEMBER 9:

you saw the BB TEA cup?; that's the SHARE TEA BBT. it taste like milk tea; very nice i find it taste better then KOI or even GONG CHA. the BBT outlet wonder can it be found at any where in singapore. i gonna go check it out in the internet. i taken some video randomly:
i hardly video or take photo of the artist; because im busy reherse and flow the followspot on the ARTIST. theres definitely alot more people take photo of the artis closeup; those fan club who flood up the chamber. when the SHINEE fly up with the string; the fan was screaming real mad. i thinking wah!! fishing sia SHINEE is the fishing baid; the fan is the fish. show u how the stage look like for the shinee concert:
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by the way today date is the memorable day of the world trade center:911 incident.
the 1 who clash the world trade center religion is not islam or even muslim; their religion is terrorist. they offer their life to OSAMA; they pray by sucking OSAMA cock.
islam is islam, terrorist is terrorist; their totally different category. islam pray to ahlah, terrorist pray to osama cock. totally different things.
the fact about terrorist is they fight for the pride of SUCKING OSAMA COCK.