Monday, December 2, 2013
Monday, December 2,2013
Hm...! It's the 2nd day of dec 2013. There's only one 2nd dec of 2013, pass means gone.
I'm currently sick having cough and body itch, damn irritating caused me to not sleep properly:
By the way this picture is a sketch, a quick 1.
No photo taking is allow in camp. Oh! ya! Tomorrow I got guard duty and this coming is off but a on guard duty also, damn sad case!
Cannot escape.
By the way 182 more days to ORD, 123 working days, 59 weekends & Holidays left. Which is also 26 more weeks. Gonna be civilian again I can't wait.
Now currently bored in camp another week and week to pass.
Good to have a blogger apps, can blog every where I go. Can still keep my blog alive.